The Gift of a Forever Friend (and more)

Our friendship goes back to when our oldest were still preschoolers, now they are 18 and 17. It began tentatively—as playdates for our children.
But what began as a focus on the younger set, soon changed to be a lifeline for the adults. The get-togethers became oxygen to sleep-starved mothers. A source of support through scary child illnesses. A time to explore the benefits and drawbacks of the many things available to our children. Opportunities to hold each other’s hand through the tricky path of motherhood. A chance to encourage each other to seek the One who truly mattered in our dirty-diaper lives.
Then life happened.
The kids grew older and more involved, developing an agenda of their own, no longer blindly following Mom’s schedule. Their activities and interests pulled us in different directions. Time became a precious commodity. Our mom-time together became less frequent. Soon we rarely saw each other and even calls became infrequent.
To be sure, we supported each other through prayer, especially when we knew there was a specific need. And occasionally we’d see each other briefly.
But those deep, soul-renewing conversations were ended for a season.
Recently, though, we reconnected and spent a lovely morning together. Once again we made the time to listen, encourage, and love each other. To share successes, failures, fears, and desires.
That’s the beauty of true friendship. With forever friends, time apart doesn’t kill the relationship. In fact it may grow stronger as we recognize and reflect on the value of that person in our lives.
Take time today to reconnect with an old friend—someone with whom life circumstances pulled you away from for a season. It’ll be well worth the few hours.
(Thank you, dear friend, for giving me so many years of unconditional love and support and for affirming Christ’s adoration and purpose for me! You are a blessing!)
There are many other things I am so grateful for (see all of my thanksgiving posts here):
101. Campfire on a beautiful autumn day.
102. Mom and Dad still able to enjoy traveling.
103. Squirrels playing in the color-studded hardwoods.
104. Fields of dry corn ready to be harvested.
106. An old, seasoned dog (companion).
107. Mist rising from the lake in the early morning.
108. The sound of the water going over the dam.
109. Mysterious holes (homes) in tree trunks.
111. Dried peppermint tea leaves (awesome if you have a cold!).
112. Vinegar—cuts through so much and adds just the right amount of sour.
113. Honey—who couldn’t use a little sweet in their lives … and their drink/food!
114. True, Christ-centered friendship.
115. My dear friend of old (you know who you are)!
“A true friend is forever a friend.”—George MacDonald
“Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel” (Proverbs 27:9).
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Julie — thanks for sharing this in the jam! I was looking forward to sipping your words and what a wonderful place you have here, friend! 🙂 So blessed you could reconnect with that friend. It doesn’t always happen, so yes, such a soul treat.