The Only Place to Find the Abundance You Long For

An abundant life can be defined in many ways. Happiness, purpose, worth, standing, and love are some of the words we use.
But what if it is much more than that?
What if the abundant life has little to do with circumstances and much to do with a little thing called grace?
What if the abundant life has little to do with circumstances and much to do with a little thing called grace? Share on X
Full. Rich and satisfying. Abounds all the more. Utterly. Much more.
These words are a Hebrew scholar’s attempt at defining the undefinable. Something Jesus said, promised even, and offers still.
But what is it really, this life we all so desperately want but which we feel lies just out of our reach? Is this undefinable achievable?
Is living an abundant, rich, and satisfying life in a world that insists on spinning out of control when we least expect it even possible? Must we wait until we’re walking with Jesus in heaven to realize it?
Yes and No
Abundance, as difficult as it is to understand, is real and available. If it weren’t, Jesus wouldn’t have promised. But it’s not attained in the way we often expect.
You see, it’s not something we achieve. It’s not something we pay enough for or do enough to get.
The abundant life is not attainable through our defining nor our striving, but is only found in our surrendering and our receiving. Because true abundance is only found in a gift, the gift of lavish grace poured out on each of us as we dance an imperfect dance in a battered world.
In our spinning and our tripping, we look for where we can step, which direction we could go, and what we could do to slow the spin and right ourselves. We look for how we can find the glory of a life lived in faith.
But it’s not in the knowing that we find it. It’s not in the right prayer or the right steps. Not really.
The abundance we’re looking for is found in the silence, the repetitions, the struggles, the looks, the sameness, and the craziness. It’s found at the ends of us, in our weakness and in our helplessness.
The abundance we want is found as His gift.
The abundance we're looking for is found at the end of us, in our weakness and helplessness, as His gift of #grace! Share on X
Glorious Abundance Exists Here
Oh, yes, glorious abundance exists! And it’s not “out there somewhere” but right here, right in the midst of our messes.
Because that’s where His grace meets us: in the depths of our hurting hearts, in the missteps of our dance, in the silence after the music quits. At the end of “us” waits the fullness of God.
At the end of 'us' waits the fullness of God. Share on X
This rich and satisfying life we don’t quite understand but yet long for? It’s real and it’s for each of us.
When we look at the promises of God in the light of His greater purpose in our lives, when we surrender are all, it’s all grace. And that’s when our dance can be unencumbered and we can swing through life holding nothing back and receiving everything.
That’s true abundance. That’s lavish grace.
“Just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:5
Reflections: Where in your life is God’s grace meeting you and lavishing abundance?
I’m thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “nothing holding me back” as well as Bonnie Gray from Faith Barista. I love these special linkups. They provide an abundance of great inspiration and encouragement all in one place. Click on the image below to check them out.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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What if the abundant life has little to do with circumstances and much to do with a little thing called grace? This sentence says it all…abundant life has little to do with circumstance, stuff, comfort. Life is in Christ. I have seen people in the darkest jungle begin to glow because of the Love of Christ. I’ve watched them take the glorious gospel to another people group in darkness still lit with the love of Christ. Trust me there is no comfort, or abundance of stuff or anything we could abundance in these village, yet when Jesus starts to live in hearts, lives become a testimony for Him. Love this post, love the response that came into my mind as I read, love the truth in your words.
So true, those with the least, often find the Everything. Blessings in your caring, Betty.
Abundance reminds me of the word “abound” When our lives are brimming over with the love, joy, and, peace, of God,we find our life is filled and we have abundant living.