
You Are Not Called to Live a Frazzled Life
We were not created to, nor are we called to, live life frazzled! How do I know? Two reasons: (1) God, our Creator, rested after He created this universe and all the kinds of living things on earth, even though He still had work to do to bring Eve into existence (Genesis 2). (2) Jesus, our…
When Did It Become About Me? (When Self Gets in the Way)
How easy it is for my good intentions to turn to self-promotion or self-preservation! Satan has a way of turning our focus from where it should be to where he wants it, usually on ourselves. If he can keep us intent on seeking our own pleasure, we won’t fulfill God’s plan for us. The enemy is…
When Receiving God’s Best Looks Too Hard
I want to receive all God has for me; I just want it to be what I want and easy to get. As I wrote earlier, my One word this year is Receive. I’ve come far enough on this journey of life to know I want what God wants for me. Rejecting God’s Best The problem…
Where the Ugliness of This Life Turns to Beauty [a letter to my younger self]
Well I did it. I missed a Monday post. Nearly every week of the last 3 years I’ve published a post on Mondays. This week I had to, no I chose to, extend myself a wee bit of grace and skip it. The past couple weeks have been packed with preparations, kids’ stuff, and editing.…
The Only Place to Find the Abundance You Long For
An abundant life can be defined in many ways. Happiness, purpose, worth, standing, and love are some of the words we use. But what if it is much more than that? What if the abundant life has little to do with circumstances and much to do with a little thing called grace? Full. Rich and…
How to Reclaim Your Day When the Unexpected Happens
Dropping to my knees, I struggled to regain composure. A Monday morning, particularly this Monday morning, should not start this way. The night before I had just returned from a four-day convention. I needed today to go as planned. But my daughter delivered the unexpected by messing her bed. Not an uncommon experience, but one I…
Live Bountifully in a Messy Life
I’d like to offer a warm welcome to the visitors popping in from Suzie Eller’s blog. I invite you to take a few minutes and look around. You may want to start with my About Page. My prayer is that you find something on this site that encourages and inspires you to tap into God’s amazing…
What If Challenging Circumstances Are Not Interruptions But Plans?
We expend great effort to prevent or reduce suffering and hardship for ourselves and others we care about. We like things easy and comfortable, and preferably, pain free. But what if those challenging circumstances are part of the plan for our lives, not interruptions to that plan? And what if we truly believe that? What would that mean…
How To Begin To Find the Abundant Life
During a recent conversation with my husband, our discussion circled around to fishing, and how it doesn’t happen much anymore. I always enjoyed fishing, not because I caught a lot of fish, but because I was outside and usually with my family or friends. Even if I had no catch at the end of the outing, there…
Expect More! God’s Abundance Far Exceeds Our Expectations
He expected coins. Just a few measly coins. He received something far greater. A man lame from birth lay every day next to the temple gate Beautiful, begging for whatever he could get. One day, Peter and John passed the man, who asked for help. He expected a few coins. Unwilling to let him remain…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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