Three-Step Process for Controlling Doubt

Everyone struggles with it. It’s not relegated to a certain age or stage in life. And it can rob us of our productivity and purpose, seeping into our lives with paralyzing results.
The insidious menace I’m writing about is “doubt.”
Doubt often sneaks in when we least expect it, especially active in God’s sanctuary on Sundays—replacing adoration and worship with niggling uncertainties: Did I get the baby’s name correct in the card I sent? Am I singing on pitch? Is this the place I should call my church home? Have I done enough good this week?
Yet, doubt isn’t content to only work on the Sabbath day. It seems to have few boundaries. Consider a few of my most vulnerable times:
- Every time I write, I doubt the worth of my words: Why would anyone want to hear what I have to say?
- Whenever I catch myself messing up in my faith walk, I doubt that I’m worthy of salvation.
- When I yell at my children or blow it with my husband, doubt about my abilities as a mother and wife creep into my thoughts.
Proper examination of our actions and thoughts are important, in fact vital, in leading a God-centered and God-honoring life. However, if not properly controlled, “What if,” “Will I,” and “Can I” questions can be deadly to our faith and to a productive life.
God doesn’t want us to wallow in doubt. It is difficult to be an emboldened disciple of Jesus Christ when we are skeptical of our every word and action.
The good news is we don’t have to live as victims of self-doubt. The Bible is filled with great examples of overcoming this temptation.
God doesn't leave us to conquer our doubts alone. ... He provides a plan. Share on X
Take for example Queen Esther (Esther 3–5). If anyone had a reason to be doubtful of her role, it would be her. She obtained her position by virtue of her looks alone for goodness sake! What else did she have to offer? Not to mention her husband King Xerxes could easily have put her to death if she messed up even once.
Yet, Esther didn’t let her fear and misgivings control her. She took proactive steps.
- First she took captive her thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5), taking control of her emotions and not letting them rule.
- Second, she sought counsel of one wiser, her uncle Mordecai. His words gave her confidence and a different perspective.
- Most importantly, though, Esther brought her doubt to the Lord. She fasted and asked others to fast on her behalf. In other words, she looked to the Almighty for the truth of the situation and her actions.
Control doubt by taking control of your emotions, seeking wise counsel, and look to God for His truth and guidance.
Control doubt by taking control of your emotions, seeking wise counsel, and look to God for His truth and guidance. Share on X
Other examples from Scripture include Jesus’ mother Mary, King David, Samuel’s mother Hannah, Elijah, Elisha, Ruth, and Jacob. They also followed a similar three-step process for controlling their fears and uncertainties.
It is easy to get mired in uncertainty and fear. The pressure to perform is intense.
But God doesn’t leave us to conquer our doubts alone. In His divine grace, He provides a plan. All we have to do is put it in action.
“[Mordecai replied to Esther] perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go and assemble all the Jews who can be found in Susa and fast for me. Don’t eat or drink for three days, day or night. I and my female servants will also fast in the same way. After that, I will go to the king even if it is against the law. If I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:14–16).
Reflections: What area of doubt do you struggle with the most? Is there a Scripture verse that has helped you control your doubt?
Linking with Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience in 2013 for my Joy Dare list for Multitude Mondays (#1372–1391, read them all by clicking here):
- Smiling moon; Watching talented hight school speech students perform; Signed up for (in)courage in(RL) meetup in April
- Headlights twinkling off frosty trees; Bank tellers who help navigate multiple account options;
- Making a dent in the to-do pile; Replugging in to school happenings; Connecting w/ concerned, compassionate parents
- Three swans on the lake; Fitting in time to exercise; Helpful feedback from my writers critique group
- Pushing a laughing Rach on her bike thru snow on the road; Wrinkle-free dress shirts; Heroes of the Bible
- Unable to attend Zach’s speech contest, so spent the day doing little; Seeing turkey & deer on walk w/ Joey; Free apps
- Found the lost iPod; “Adventuring” with my boys; Freshly popped popcorn
Also linking with the following wonderful sites:
and my friend Rachel Wojnarowski’s site.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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I love Esther’s story and the points you brought out about doubt. Right now my biggest doubt struggle is doubting if God really wants to use me. I know He can use me even with my flaws but I question if/why He would want to. I am sure I will come to read your words again until I can get a hold on this doubt. Thanks for your words.
Oh, Amy, I struggle with the same doubt! Would love to sit with you in person and assure you God can and will use you if you make yourself available. He creates each of us with a plan in mind, so there is a place for you. He wants you in His plan because He delights in you, and you are uniquely created to fill a spot only you can. Praying you are emboldened today to step forward to fulfill that calling. Begin by taking control of the negative talk that says you aren’t worth His time. Replace it with God’s words of affirmation and love, and seek out others who will encourage you. Blessings, dear sister in Christ.