Tribute to Mom (1000 Moms Project)

Gold Brush Stroke

Two years ago this post was linked with Ann Voskamp and the 1000 Moms Project written with love and gratitude for my mom and mother-in-law. By publicly thanking our mothers, Haitian mothers in need were helped.

1000 Moms Project



The word conjures up many different emotions.

To some it brings sadness, to others fear, and to still others a sense of belonging.

My heart aches for those who knew only abuse and condemnation at the hands of their mothers. Know I will be praying for peace and healing for you this Mother’s Day. (If you would be comfortable leaving a comment below [or contact me directly through email], I would be happy to pray for your specific needs.)

Grandma Lois

Dear Mom,

You have been nothing but a blessing in my life. You are an amazing woman! It took strength and fortitude to raise the six of us children. And with only eight years between the oldest and the youngest, perhaps a little insanity as well. (To top it off, four of them are boys, poor you!)

With Dad gone a lot with work, especially early on, isolation must have pretty much camped at  your doorstep.  But you soldiered on, making our house a home through love and commitment.

You didn’t have much opportunity to get out with little disposable money, a growing family, few neighbors, and Dad away so much. We all thank God for that one close neighbor and friend (thanks, Floriene), who saved your sanity by providing companionship and occasional childcare.

But I never heard you complain. Even when the weight of your responsibilities became crushing and the tears slipped down your cheeks, no complaints were uttered. Year after year you worked that huge garden, canning and freezing many fruits and vegetables. However, you performed your mom-duties with such grace I never knew you actually detested gardening until years later.

You and Dad gave everything you had to us children. I’m not sure how you survived with only one extended escape from us in more than two decades of parenting. Maybe that explains your beautiful gray/white hair at such an early age!

Mom, I’ll never forget how you sacrificed  desires and comforts to be our mother. You cooked, cleaned, fed, clothed, sewed, knitted, gardened, bathed, loved, disciplined, comforted, guided, encouraged, and prayed for us.

After dentist appointments you would take the lucky one through McDonald’s to get a fish sandwich—plain please. That’s compassion in action!

In the heat and humidity of an Iowa summer, you chose to remain in the stifling kitchen blending milkshakes for your family while we cooled off in a water tank. That’s love in action!

On the rare evenings you and Dad were going out, you would first prepare a kid-pleaser meal of perhaps homemade macaroni and cheese and fish sticks. That’s caring in action!

On days you could scrape together a few extra minutes, you would play games with us. That’s a mom’s heart in action!

mom, joey, grandma

And your giving hasn’t ended. You continue to love sacrificially, fully investing in the lives of your children and grandchildren.

How does/did your mother best express her love? How can you best express your love to those closest to you? Click To Tweet

Mom, I love you more than words can describe. Thank you for giving so much of you, so we could have a wonderful, love-filled childhood. Thank you for being there even when you were exhausted. Thank you for still being there, for guiding, listening, and praying for me. I pray I can be half the mom you are.


Grandma Ruth

I am doubly blessed with moms because my mother-in-law is a fabulous mother to me as well. Nearly 25 years ago, she welcomed me as family with open arms. Her prayers, encouragement, and love are felt daily. I pray I have her wisdom and grace when I am a mother-in-law.

I love you, Ruth. Your heart for Jesus Christ daily inspires me to pursue Him.

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her” (Proverbs 31:28).

Reflections: How has your mother blessed you? Were you able to bless her this Mother’s Day?


By His Grace,



  1. youaremygirls on May 9, 2012 at 6:24 pm

    Julie, I love this beautiful letter to your mom and mother-in-law. Such tender endurance and self-sacrifice. I am so grateful for these models of Jesus’ love. Bless you. {Love the photos of your beautiful family, too!}

    • juliesunne on May 9, 2012 at 11:18 pm

      I am incredibly blessed, Jennifer, and so thankful for supportive family and friends! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

  2. Colline on May 10, 2012 at 6:42 am

    A beautiful tribute to your mom.

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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