Truth to Hold Onto When Loneliness Threatens [and tips to make it through]

Gold Brush Stroke

I used to think the only lonely ones were those who were alone. Lately, though, I’ve realized that even surrounded by people, one can feel isolated.

Yet whether physically alone or alone just in spirit, loneliness doesn’t have to consume you.

As the first long weekend without my two oldest marched to an end, I have to admit, I felt it … lonely. The boys’ quiet absence brought a sense of melancholy emptiness at times, even though I had plenty of activity and fun engaging with my younger two children. 

Isn’t it funny how, sometimes, even when others are around, a heavy weight of “aloneness” can descend.


Higher Purpose to Loneliness?

It’s made me wonder if perhaps loneliness doesn’t have a higher purpose.

We were created to be in uninterrupted fellowship with God, but the cavern of sin broke it. Maybe feelings of emptiness/isolation in this life is an aching for the created to be fully restored with the Creator. [←Tweet this.]

A derivative of the severed relationship between man and God in the Garden of Eden, could lonesomeness serve to point us to the only One who can completely fill us.

Because, although Jesus Christ became the bridge to perfectly span the sin rift and reconnect our fellowship with the Father, sin will continue to mess with us until we reach our glory. 

Yet because the Lord is our portion in the land of the living (Psalm 142:5), we don’t have to live with a void in our spirit, even if our homes are empty of others.

Tips to Make It Through 

There are several ways I’m discovering to counteract loneliness: 

  1. Turn up the worship: Dig deeper in the Word. Sing praises throughout your day … really loud (just try it, it works). Don’t miss organized worship. 
  2. Seek out fellowship: Don’t remain isolated physically even when you feel that way emotionally.
  3. Reach out to others. Serve, and receive a huge blessing in return.
  4. Embrace the “aloneness.” Count the blessings; e.g., having more time to worship, serve, and be in the Word; it points us to the Savior.
  5. Be fully present where you are and with whom you are. Then loneliness won’t be so pronounced.
  6. Fully engage in your calling/vocation.
  7. Be reminded of the promises of God for the believer. He is your perfecter. He is your portion, He will never leave you, and He is enough.

Who says one has to be alone to feel lonely and isolated? Sometimes even when others are around, a deep melancholy spirit of emptiness can threaten to engulf us.

So when loneliness threatens, remember who your true portion is in this life and who will fill you for all eternity. [←Tweet this.]

Sing His praises, seek to serve Him, and let Him lift the fog of aloneness.

I cry to You, LORD; I say, “You are my shelter, my portion in the land of the living.” (Psalm 142:5)

Reflection: What is your favorite verse and/or story about God being your portion? 

Although it seems Ann is no longer offering her Multitude Mondays linkup (although her Joy Dare continues), I will continue to post my 1000-gift list on Monday (okay, today it’s Tuesday) because it seems a great day for it and because … well … I just can’t quit. (Just between you and me, it helps me in the savor department.)

Since beginning nearly 3 years ago, I’ve counted over 3,000 gifts!! What a blessing! So here we go: #3115–3135, read the entire list by clicking here.

  • Bedtime game of Yahtzee Jr. with Joey and Rachel; Pushing Rach through rain puddles on her bike; An osprey and hummingbird perched together!osprey and hummingbird perched-resized
  • Taking the ALS Ice-bucket challenge–at least it was refreshing; Rachel laughing in the mirror at her milk “mustache; Hearing deer warning snorts nightly outside my livingroom window
  • Having a job that often immerses me in the Word; The sight of one of our cats carrying a corn cob across the deck; Rach making supper (with help)
  • Mature decisions being made by my college freshman; My Green Bay Packer-football-fan son making time for his mama during their game; Comfort food, Chicken-Dumpling soup
  • Blessing of nobly occupied/contented children for the evening; Depth, breadth, and richness of God’s Word; Long weekend ahead of rest, jelly/syrup making, and family togetherness
  • Playing the game Twister with Rachel’s “twist” on the game–here’s a hint, it involves wrestling!; On our backs watching dragonflies the size of birds enjoying a meal; Popcorn night
  • Shimmering wild grape jelly and syrup canned; Talking to both my long-distance college boys; Priceless expressions that cross Rachel’s face while playing UNO–gotta love that girl! 
By His Grace,


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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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