What Does It Mean To Live a Life of Abundance?

“I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10).
If we’re honest, we’re all searching for the abundant life. A life filled with purpose, worth, standing, love, joy.
Who doesn’t want every one of those?
But where is that kind of life? How do you get it?
My Story
Long ago, I thought I knew.
I believed abundance rested with the way my days played out in this dance of life. A “good” life—as defined by an enjoyable job, adorable family, comfortable home, relative health—was an abundant life.
Yet it didn’t take long for that definition to be shattered and for me to be left grasping for something that made sense.
Because as a young wife, my dance through life was interrupted when my husband and I experienced the first of five miscarriages. Pain and grief engulfed my heart.
And any pretense of an abundant life quickly disappeared.
Life became a roller coaster of emotions. Gratitude at the birth of each live child; bitterness at the loss of each unborn.
Then our third child and only daughter was diagnosed with significant lifetime disabilities.
The music quit. The dance ended.
That is until God used Rachel, my little blessing in disguise, to point me to the source of all true abundance.
It was then I started letting the God of grace take the lead in my life’s dance and become the well-spring of my joy and peace.
An abundant life began to make sense in a new and exciting way.
Your Story
Your story likely looks much different than mine. But since you’re reading this, you likely struggle with stepping into the abundant life as well.
Because even when we know what it looks like, it is difficult to live it out.
It seems our day’s blessings too easily get lost in its happenings.
But through the years I’ve discovered that God’s “mercies never end” (Lamentations 3:22) and His “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 10:9). He is enough for anything we face.
You see, a life of joy and peace and meaning really does exist.
It’s just not found where we often focus. A bountiful life of meaning is not found in what we have or do or what we are walking through.
Having life and having it in its fullness is only found in the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A life of joy and peace and meaning really does exist. It’s just not found where we often focus. Share on X
Your Life-Dance
No, life in this broken world is not always easy. But God will be faithful to you as He has been to me.
As you welcome His love and truth, the Lord will lead you through your life-dance in the power of His grace.
I know: typing that line is easy; living it out is anything but that.
That’s why over the next few Mondays we will be exploring this idea of an abundant life: myths of an abundant life, what a truly abundant life looks like, barriers to living out a life of abundance.
I pray that as we delve into this Abundant Life series together, you begin to waltz in closer step with our Lord; discovering and savoring a life full of peace and purpose in Jesus Christ.
Reflections: What do you see as the abundant life? What are your struggles as you desire to walk in a life of true abundance? What would you like to see me explore in this series? Let me know your needs in the comments. I’d love to offer you encouragement.
I’m excited to continue recording blessings this year. Since beginning over 3 years ago, I’ve counted more than 3,500 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! So here we go in 2015: #3786–3806, read my entire list by clicking here.
- Predawn quiet before anyone else stirs awake; Buds promising to open soon; Rachel’s wonder at, and delight in, the rain, and all the little blessings of life, inspires gratitude in my heart
- The Hope we can have, even in the hopeless, because of Jesus Christ—sometimes we have nothing else left—He’s enough; An afternoon meeting with faith-filled women; Spring thunderstorm, hail and all
- Little pleasures often taken for granted: *Daily access to a warm bath or shower; *Variety of footwear to choose from to keep my feet dry, warm, cool, fashionable, or comfortable; *Light at the flick of a switch
- Night’s rest to refresh after a long day; Financial aid applications done for the year; The simple mama pleasure of bathing my sweet girl–I have to admit, after 16 years of bathing her, I don’t always appreciate that blessing.
- Camp Courageous: a place Rach can have fun & be safe; Hot catnip tea on a bad cold day; My guys, who’ll they let be alone to write and dream
- Sharing worship, fellowship, and a bit of business with sisters-in-faith at our women’s rally; Sharing my special outdoor “hideaway” with a friend; Getting to “attend” Zach’s Glee Club concert via livestream from Wheaton College (love their mix of worship songs)
- Looking over old family photos with parents and some cousins; Spring peepers calling: you know it’s spring when you hear them; Rachel’s fabulous counselors at Camp Courageous
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Julie: You are so onto something here. The abundance in my life is far different from what I wanted it to be. As I understand the concept of a life in Christ, God, through Christ transforms our lives to be what He wants us to be and to have, I am an only child. It was not my intention to raise an only child, But God, in his wisdom, chose us to rear a child with birth defects. At one time, he could have been considered to have multiple issues. But, God has taken all those tough times and allowed us to be who we are in Him. James 1:2-4 tells me to consider difficulties ‘all joy’ because those difficulties produce perseverance and we are to let perseveance finish the work(Started in us) so we can mature and be whole.
Well said, Cecelia! God knows best, but setting aside our preferences to walk in His abundance can be hard to do.
Yes, it can be hard to do but, if we allow God to direct our lives, He will help us do what He has for us,