What Really Matters (the Struggle)

Gold Brush Stroke

My eyes shot to my inbox yet again. Still nothing. No one responding to my words of encouragement.

Thoughts of worthlessness invaded my mind: Who am I kidding, thinking I can do this thing called writing. Couching it in devotional terms or Godly speak doesn’t make it any more likely. You’re not cut out for it. Just quit. 
The negative words circled around and back, bombarding me with each round, and my mood grew darker. Eventually, I pried my eyes off me long enough to remember why I began writing nearly 3 years ago. 
Who am I to be looking for a pat on the back? Why do I think that to be a worthy effort it must be humanly evident? Do I feel God calling me to do this or not? If so, then why am I questioning it?
When I make any task about numbers and “atta-girls” I make it about my glory, not His. It can’t be about me!

Receiving praise isn’t a bad thing.

But God isn’t calling me to get pats on the back or make a name for myself. He’s calling me to obedience. He’s calling me (and you) to spread His promise of life. If that reaches 1 person or 1,000 it should matter little as far as whether we continue or not.

The Struggle

In my writing, “success” as defined by our culture isn’t what really matters. The same can be said for raising children (one, a dozen, or mentoring a neighbor’s children); holding a prestigious job or a humble one; pastoring a tiny congregation or a mega-church, attracting a Vacation Bible School attendance of 20 or 200. We are only worthy in Him.
If a task is about self, it means little, but when offered to the glory of God, it’s value is immeasurable.
We’re all struggling together in this balancing act of flesh and spirit. And the flesh is strong. But in Christ, the Spirit is strongest.
Through the power of God’s Word and prayer and the guidance of the  Holy Spirit, we can overcome the flesh to focus on honoring and obeying Him, not on numbers or accolades. And when we fail, His forgiveness is assured and His grace sufficient to put us back on track. 
Let’s make a renewed effort to encourage each other to focus on what really matters. 
Because when offered to His glory, God will magnify and multiply our mites and make them into His treasures.
“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Reflection: Where is God asking you to be obedient? Is there something you know you should be doing but are fearful of failing? Is it in witnessing to your neighbor, tithing to your church, being content in this season of raising your children, or maybe it’s in your losses?
Linking up again this year with Ann Voskamp’s 2014 Joy Dare. Find the linkup at A Holy Experience. Beginning where I left off in 2013. What a blessing! #2756–2776, read the entire list by clicking here.
  • Sharing special memories of an uncle who departed to his heavenly Home; Seeing a “long-lost” cousin; A lovely new journal
  • Knowing that when those in Christ pass from this life, there is no more suffering; Soft sound through the open window of water flowing over the dam; My dad’s laughter
  • Blessing of Joey, 13 years old today; Crocuses blooming purple; Football with my birthday boy then reading out loud another favorite classic, Whisper of Glocken by Carol Kendall
  • Celebrating Joey’s birthday; College awards are finally all in for Zach, decision time!; April showers for May flowers
  • Brilliant misty morning; A sick girl feeling much better; Picking the greenest grass to feed to Joey’s Guinea Pig–Gimli gets so excited to have the fresh stuff
  • Dinner show date with hubby watching Zach and other talented high schoolers perform; Cousin time!; Special Dad/Son overnight for hubby and Joey
  • Living close enough to attend niece’s and nephew’s events; God’s plan for saving me that began 1000s of years ago–that’s how much He loves me (and you); A baby’s joyful curiosity


By His Grace,



  1. Vernon on April 28, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    Great post Julie. I sometimes question myself is it my calling as well. But loke you said, long as my focus is on His will and not mine, all is well.

    • Julie Sunne on April 28, 2014 at 9:52 pm

      Yep, walking out in obedience, Vernon.

  2. Kieranna Kathleen V. Dunn on April 29, 2014 at 6:13 am

    As a writer, I go through many of the struggles you’ve mentioned. Thanks for sharing. Good reminder – it’s not about me! It’s all about & for God!
    I pray God give you glimpses of His glory working in you & through you.
    Your sister in Christ,
    Kieranna Kathleen http://Kierannas.wordpress.com

    • Julie Sunne on April 29, 2014 at 8:16 am

      Thanks for reminding me I’m not alone in this struggle, Kieranna (what a lovely name). God already has given me glimpses, but in my “me-ness” and self-doubt I’m still looking for more. Oh, to be satisfied wholly in Him!

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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