Julie Sunne

Gold Brush Stroke

A Desire To Walk By Faith, Not By Feelings (a prayer)

I desire to walk by faith, not by feelings. But, oh my, how hard that is! It’s especially difficult in the middle of those extended seasons we all want to avoid. And so I pray. Walk By Faith — a Prayer Lord, I don’t have all the answers to life and suffering and Your ways.…

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A Secret of Suffering That Provides Hope Amid the Hardship

Sometimes the pain of this life becomes stifling. We wonder if we’ll ever rise above it. But there’s a secret of suffering that provides us hope amid the hardship. The stories kept coming. One after the other, people shared anguished words of hard circumstances. A continued fight to survive after a multiyear-long battle with a…

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There Are Blessings in the Wait (it even led to signing with a literary agent)

Although anything but easy, wait time is some of our most important time. “But everyone else has one!” Our son tried this angle before. He didn’t want to wait to get a cell phone until he was driving. So he begged, he negotiated, he whined…anything to make his wishes come true sooner.  I do the…

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It’s Not Fair! (maybe that’s the greatest blessing of all)

When life doesn’t seem fair, it may be because it truly isn’t—and that might be the greatest blessing of all.  Not Fair “It’s not fair,” I muttered as I walked past my husband, his feet up as he continued reading his book. I filled the water bottle for my daughter and glanced at him, my…

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When Plans Fail: Remember, God Promises a Better One

“If plan A doesn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters – 204 if you’re in Japan.” ― Claire Cook If your first plan fails, it is tempting to come up with plan B or C or D…until one works. But God has already scripted a better one.  I’m a Planner I’ve always been a planner.…

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Lord, Help Me Balance Truth and Love (a prayer)

Love is critical to the Christian life, but so is truth. Shoulders sagging, I turned away, tears threatening. The conversation frustrated and even confused me. I hadn’t meant to come across as harsh and critical, but I needed to point out what the Bible said was true. I loved him and Him…too much not to…

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Three Ways to Find Hope in a Broken World (& prayer of lament & hope)

When the world gives us reason to despair, remembering the sovereignty of God can help us find hope and provide purpose for our days.  “News.” I cringe when I hear the word mentioned. It has almost become a bad word in my book. On the news, I hear about violence, rioting, disrespect, and identity/gender confusion…

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4 Ways God Helps Us Stand Strong in His Hard Requests

Trusting God should not be based on what He’s asking; it is an act of faith regardless of the ask.  A month ago I wrote about the importance of stepping out in faith and mentioned the seemingly rock-solid faith of Abraham.  The old patriarch didn’t appear to bat an eye when the Lord requested he…

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Lean Into Suffering (find meaning in the brokenness)

We can find meaning in the brokenness of life when we lean into suffering, not always understanding God’s plan but trusting in His goodness anyway. Dealing With Brokenness When it comes to dealing with brokenness, we have basically three options. We can deny the pain, be paralyzed by it, or learn and grow from it.…

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Let Yourself Grieve (begin the process of healing)

Pain is real. None of us will get out of here without experiencing it. It can be paralyzing, but when we allow ourselves to grieve, we open our hearts to healing.  The Ache In this life we will ache. Sometimes more acutely than others. I felt it this week. As the caregiver for our 22-year-old…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Are you struggling to maintain godly focus in the mess of each day's living? Do you too easily find yourself worrying about circumstances instead of trusting in God's promises? If you answered yes, why not download my ebook. It's filled with 25 power verses with space for personal reflection to help you maintain godly focus, no matter what situations arise.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne