Book review

When We Forget God Is Trustworthy: Help Me Launch “Sometimes I Forget”!
Would you help me launch Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Times? At times it seems I need reminders of God’s faithfulness every five minutes. I all-to-quickly forget His blessings, His answers to prayer, His grace and mercy. I need the reminder that God is trustworthy, so I wrote a book…
Don’t Neglect the Gift of Laughter (Book Review)
In the busyness of my days, I too often ignore an essential aspect of a healthy life: laughter. I get so caught up in doing all the things, that taking the time to enjoy life takes a back seat. Laughter simply seems to be a perk I hesitate to take time for. Gift of Laughter…
Find Help in Discerning God’s Will (book review & giveaway)
“God simply asks us to obey Him where He has us, trusting Him to guide us to our next steps in His perfect timing.” —Brittany Ann, Follow God’s Will God Has a Plan The Lord knows all, sees all, and is present everywhere. He has always been and always will be, is infinitely wise, and…
Give Thanks: His Faithful Love Endures Forever (“Relentless” book giveaway)
The day my first unborn baby went to be with Jesus changed my life in many ways. For the first time in my life I questioned the Lord’s love for me. Yet somehow through the years, I discovered that His is a forever love that shows up brightest in those darkest times. Relentless Still the…
Pursue Healing for Your Mother/Daughter Relationship (Review)
God created us to be in community, to be supported and to support others through our relationships. Yet walking through life with those closest to us can be an imposing assignment, especially for mothers and daughters. Relationship Restoration That relationship between a mother and daughter proves powerful yet unpredictable, especially in the teenage years when…
Foster the Gift of Creativity (children’s Bible review and giveaway)
When our kids were young, my favorite gifts for them did not include ones that made noise or did things for them, but instead were ones requiring thought, problem-solving, and creativity. Gifts that encouraged them to use their imagination. Reflecting God’s Creativity Our God is a creative God. And created by the Father in His…
The Bible Is Powerful (even a children’s version) – review & giveaway
“You all know the story from the Bible about David and how he defeated Goliath, right?” I addressed my question to the seven fifth and sixth graders in my Confirmation class. To my shock, one young lady shook her head. We were discussing God’s plans for the Israelites and how He kept His promises to…
Weather Storms of Life With Hope and Joy (with book review)
Storms hit us all in different ways, but one thing is certain, storms will hit us all. Trials are not a maybe; they are a certainty. And, please don’t take this wrong, that is a good thing. Without trials, we’d never appreciate and grow to depend on God. We’d be self-sufficient, know-it-alls, satisfied to do…
How to Better Understand and Address Our Culture (review of “Saving Truth”)
My highest calling as a mother is to point my children to the truth … the Truth. To show them the right path. To encourage them to stay on that path. It takes intention … but intention isn’t enough. I have to know what the truth is and find the best ways to impart it. …
Real Hope After Pregnancy Loss (book review)
When people ask how many children I have, I still sometimes hesitate. Do I only mention the four I’ve raised over the past 23 years? Or do I include the five babies I lost in early pregnancy? Should I say four or nine? I’m not alone in my struggle to answer this question or to…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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