
The Death of a Loved One (with great love comes great sorrow)
I didn’t know how my daughter would process Mom’s death. Rachel and Mom shared a close bond, developed through all the years my mother would travel with us to doctor appointments. Everyone deals differently with the death of a loved one. With our girl’s small verbal vocabulary, none of us knew how she was dealing…
Pursue Healing for Your Mother/Daughter Relationship (Review)
God created us to be in community, to be supported and to support others through our relationships. Yet walking through life with those closest to us can be an imposing assignment, especially for mothers and daughters. Relationship Restoration That relationship between a mother and daughter proves powerful yet unpredictable, especially in the teenage years when…
In the Wake of Pregnancy/Infant Loss, Hope Still Shines Bright
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This is a loss that can easily be overlooked, especially when the baby dies early in pregnancy. Yet we need to acknowledge the grief and pain parents’ experience. The emptiness and heartache are real. But so is hope. Several of my loved ones and dear friends have lost…
How to Better Understand and Address Our Culture (review of “Saving Truth”)
My highest calling as a mother is to point my children to the truth … the Truth. To show them the right path. To encourage them to stay on that path. It takes intention … but intention isn’t enough. I have to know what the truth is and find the best ways to impart it. …
Hope for When You’re in a Hard Place
Many of the hardest things in life prove to be the most valuable. It’s Hard! I once thought parenting would be easy. It’s not. Lately I’ve been thinking about how truly inadequate I feel for this job, even after nearly 23 years. I thought it’d get easier. And in some ways it has. Yet in other…
A Chuckle for Moms
Here’s to you, Moms. Hope you get a chuckle out of this. Now go hide that muffin until after the kids are in bed! Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come. 26 She opens her mouth with wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the activities…
Moms, You Matter! (Mother’s Day video tribute)
Whether you are a biological mother, adoptive mother, or a mother at heart you matter! All women are called to love and encourage and care for others. This, my friends, is mothering. It’s important work, and it’s hard work. Thank You, Moms So to all of you moms out there: thank you! May you be…
The Secret To Mothering Well
Motherhood: As much as I love it, I also harbor some fear of the responsibility. It seems one minute I handle it relatively well and the next fail at it miserably. Mothering well requires surrender. The truth is, I’m incapable of mothering consistently well on my own. This is something I didn’t understand in the early years.…
Seven Strategies for Raising Teenagers
It’s official! This morning I became the unprepared but grateful mom of four (yes, that’s 4!) teenagers. My youngest turned 13 today, and my oldest won’t be 20 until June 20. I’ve vowed to milk this next 2 months for all the sympathy I can get. 🙂 One would think that by now I’d have something profound to say about raising…
What Makes Mothers So Special?
I’m always wondering how to be a better mom. Often beating myself up because I falter in this motherhood thing. So I’m teaching myself to look at mothering differently. Mothers aren’t special because they gave birth. Mothers aren’t special because they are perfect. (Although mine is close. Psst—so is my mother-in-law.) Mothers aren’t special because…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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