
Hold Tight to the Christmas Promise (and a prayer)
Regardless of our circumstances, when we hold tight to the Christmas Promise we can still experience peace and joy. Reflection The immediate days after Christmas, and the holiday activities have waned. We sit contemplating the Day and its meaning—past, present, and future. Your memories may be pleasant or difficult. This year’s Christmas may have been…
Remembering the Baby in the Manger (Merry Christmas!)
Today we remember the Baby in a manger. We reflect on a King who gave up His throne to become a weak, vulnerable, and helpless infant. We celebrate a God who loves us this much. God With Us Emmanuel, “God with us,” became one of us so we’d know we matter. Those who mess up…
Christmas Joy: The One Way To Always Have It
Christmas seldom looks the way we expect it to. We want it to be perfect, but things always get in the way. Squabbles between family members. Stretched finances. Health issues. Work schedules. I struggle with that. A fixer and doer by nature, I want to plan and do enough to make it perfect. But all…
The Bible Is Powerful (even a children’s version) – review & giveaway
“You all know the story from the Bible about David and how he defeated Goliath, right?” I addressed my question to the seven fifth and sixth graders in my Confirmation class. To my shock, one young lady shook her head. We were discussing God’s plans for the Israelites and how He kept His promises to…
Grace Delivered in the Birth of Christ (Merry Christmas!)
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11 The Good News! Grace has been delivered in the Babe. The Prince of Peace. The Lamb of God. The Savior of the World. Birth of Jesus Christ Salvation entered our world in the birth…
Jesus Reigns in Our Mess (A Christmas Confession) #AdventReflections
I’m so grateful Jesus reigns even in my mess. I expected this Christmas to be different. I planned for this Christmas to be different. To be quieter … simpler … slower. And then life kicked in with a vengeance. The busyness of the holidays — no, my own ideas of the what the holidays should…
Messy Is Real, but One Day Only Beauty Will Remain #AdventReflections
It’s all messy, but one day only beauty will remain. This is the week serene images of the first Christmas will be displayed everywhere. They will feature Mary, the mother of Jesus, Joseph the Christ-child’s adoptive father, shepherd and wise men, and the Babe Himself (and don’t forget all the docile livestock looking on) all…
The Joy of Christmas (yours year-round, even when circumstances are anything but joyful)
It’s not about us. Not really. We like to think it is. We like to think being happy and content is about us and how things are playing out in our lives. We often believe if only things would align the way we’d like, we would be satisfied. If-Only Lies If only our neighbor would quit…
There Is Always Room For You (Merry Christmas!)
“there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7 NASB For me, Christmas is filled with family, laughter and love. No matter how many are coming, we are always welcome. That may not be the case for you. It’s certainly not the case for everyone. The older I get, the more I realize…
You Can Rest; Your Best has Already Been Secured
It always seems we’re trying to be better: to manage better, to love better, to work better. And to an extent it is good to improve ourselves. Growth is good. But it can become a rat race, running an endless loop of “better” on that elusive pursuit to be our best. Our Best Secured I…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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