
Gold Brush Stroke

When Life Knocks You Down #AdventReflections

When life knocks you down, look up.  I’ve mentioned before that I’m a rather strong person, a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of person. Generally, I can see the next step and take it. Yet there’s been plenty of times when I’ve felt out-of-control and inadequate to handle a situation. The big ones that quickly come to mind…

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When You Want to do Great and Glorious Things (Delight God)

Can I be honest with you? I have a history of feeling I’ve not done enough or not done something well enough. In response, I strive to do more. In fact, if I’m not proactive, my daily to-do list becomes miles long; I stew about decisions and answers far longer than is healthy; I tend to…

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Our Abilities Are Insufficient (why that’s okay)

A Christian’s influence should never be measured by her abilities but by God’s.  These past few weeks have provided ample opportunity for me to experience my shortcomings in full color.  I’ve struggled with major overload trying to juggle kid’s school events, doctor appointments, a heavy editing load, securing guardianship for our now-adult daughter, and trying to get…

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When You Have More Questions than Answers

Do you have a seemingly never-ending stream of questions you are seeking answers to? Me too. One question leads to another and the answers seem elusive. It’s not even the big why’s I’m trying to answer but the smaller ones: What do I do now? and What direction is best? and How am I supposed to…

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When the Burden You’re Asked to Carry Is Far Too Heavy

Sometimes we’re tasked with carrying a burden too heavy to lift. It’s in those impossible assignments where we discover we’re not alone. Impossible Burden When God asked me to take on the job of parenting a child with special needs, I felt inadequate for the task at hand. My awareness of that inadequacy has increased as my daughter has…

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How to be an Influencer (a lesson I didn’t want to learn)

Seven hundred women prepare to make their way to Concord, NC, this week for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ She Speaks conference (for aspiring Christian influencers). I won’t be among them. One minute I’m fine with that, the next my heart longs to be attending. Yet I know this door has been closed to me this year. As I…

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Why You Should Strike ‘Never’ from Your Vocabulary

Some things we think we could never handle. Some things we give up hope they’ll ever happen. The factor we leave out in both scenarios is God. I look at a friend who moved her family to a country in turmoil to share the Gospel and think, I could never do that. I watch a family navigate…

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7 Steps to Growing a More Humble Heart

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3).  I don’t think of myself as a selfish or conceited person. I’d venture to guess many of us don’t. Yet the Apostle Paul felt the need to warn about the temptation in his letter to the Philippians.…

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When Change Threatens to Zap Your Joy

Change can zap your joy, until you remember what each future moment holds: more Christ.  Lately, I’ve been feeling sad more often. Plainly and simply sad. There’s no big catastrophe to bring it on. Oh sure, there are always a few hiccups in my days, but nothing has gone horribly wrong in the recent past.…

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What To Do When You Feel Inadequate and Overwhelmed

My daughter turned 18 yesterday (2016), but I received the greater gift. Each year I do. Year after year I’m blessed with the love, joy and innocence of this precious young lady. And I’m incredibly grateful. Yet, at the same time, I feel totally inadequate for stewarding this precious treasure I’ve been entrusted with. Inadequate…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne