
Gold Brush Stroke

Back to School Jitters—Mama Style

It’s back-to-school season. Hot, breezy days grow shorter. Jars of fruit preserves, apple sauce, and green beans line basement shelves. Sweet corn freezes hard in quart bags. Summer wanes, autumn approaches. I love this time of year, yet there is an element to it that makes me wish for June again. It’s not the impending…

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A Forever Family: Heirs to the King

Family has always been meaningful to me. Living on a working farm, we spent long days together, putting up hay, mucking out stalls, feeding livestock. We created endless memories to share with our children of working and playing with each other—of doing life together. For the past few weeks, my husband, our children, and myself…

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Who or What is Your Everything?

Saturday promised to be an encouraging day. I was driving to Cresco, Iowa, to attend the first-ever ReNEWed Life Women’s Event featuring nationally known author and speaker, Lisa Whittle. A new friend I met at the She Speaks conference, Jill Beran, helped organize this gathering. I was excited to see her again and to be…

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“Jesus” Parenting

There were many things I did right as a mother. I believe I communicated my love to my children effectively. I feel I balanced discipline, respect, and compassion quite well. I think I had a nice balance of firmness with relationship. However, the one thing I regret is the role Jesus Christ played in our…

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Living the Joy (it’s contagious)

As parents, teaching our children is just part of the job description. But have you noticed how many lessons you learn from them? Today my daughter Rachel taught me an important one. ♥               ♥                ♥ We walked down the sterile, stainless steel–trimmed hall. Me in my surgical gown, booties, cap and mask, Rachel adorned in…

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He Became a Man [Happy Birthday]

Yesterday (Wednesday) my boy became a man. Daniel turned 18. I’m truly not sure how we got here so quickly. Wasn’t it just last month we were teaching him to walk … last week he was starting school … last night he attended fifth-grade camp? Our Firstborn The son who put me through 23 hours…

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Missing the Obvious

I should have been working. But it was a “just-right,” hot, lazy day to be in the water. Lake, pool, stream; it didn’t matter as long as it held water. And my son was urging me to play with him. Reluctantly, I agreed. Quickly dressing in our bathing suits, Rachel, Joey and I trekked the…

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Lighting the Path (Fathers)

As we prepare for my son to “leave the nest” in a couple months (Update: He is now through his third year of college with our next son having completed his first year.), I find myself wondering about the path he will take: Where God will lead him. What kind of career he will have. Who…

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A Blessing or a Curse (Perspective)

The truth is life changes. Sometimes we deem the changes good, sometimes not. This makes looking too far ahead a bit scary.  My husband and I are unsure of the future on many fronts: Where will we live in a few short years? Where will Rachel’s home be? Can we find a secure home where she…

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Passing on Solomon’s Wisdom [Here’s to You Graduates]

Coolness of evening descends. Hummers flit their last dances to drink in homemade nectar. Perfection. Beauty. Stillness. I sit contemplating the events of the past 48 hours. A whirlwind of activity. A jumble of emotions. Graduation parties began in earnest Saturday, and Sunday was THE day. A day of excitement, apprehension, joy, and yes, some…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne