When Annoyances Threaten to Distract You From What’s Important
Don’t let the annoyances of life distract you from what’s important. When Annoyances Present Themselves I often sit outside on summer evenings. Barefoot. Enjoying the peacefulness, I pay little attention to the mosquitoes attacking my feet. That is until the next day when the itching drives me to distraction. Mosquito bites are annoying. Even on…
Two Things To Do When Hard Lingers
Remembering God’s promises brings solace in the midst of the hard. All it took was a phone call. One call and the stress I’d been able to set aside for an entire glorious day came rushing back: a reminder that hard is never far away. Rachel (our precious 20-year-old daughter who functions on the level…
God’s Promises Are for You As Well
Sometimes the promises of God seem far off. But He can be trusted to fulfill even the most seemingly impossible promise. From Single to Numerous The biblical patriarch Abraham was a wealthy man. He had an abundance of food, servants and possessions. Yet I wonder if at times he stumbled around blind to those gifts…
Let the Holy Spirit Lead and Be Empowered in Your Walk of Faith
Fingers poised over the keyboard, I said a silent prayer. Lord, give me the right words to say. Not my words but yours. This email would go to my state representative, addressing an issue near and dear to my heart. I desperately wanted to change this man’s mind … actually his intended vote. According to…
The One Reason We Can Face an Overwhelming Future Without Being Overcome #AdventReflections
My friend and I struggle with looking too far into our daughters’ futures. It can be frightening and overwhelming. She because her sweet Taylor has been given a shortened expected lifespan. (This post is now in memory of Taylor, who went to be with the Lord January 2, 2019.) Me because my sweet Rachel may…
When Our Dreams Seem Too Big (live fully)
Sometimes the dreams God’s laid on our hearts seem too big to ever be possible. It’s then we know we’re walking by sight, not faith. I’ve learned much from raising a child who has significant disabilities. One lesson that stands out is don’t believe everything you see or are told. We often have false perceptions. Because perceiving involves observing,…
You Are Not Called to Live a Frazzled Life
We were not created to, nor are we called to, live life frazzled! How do I know? Two reasons: (1) God, our Creator, rested after He created this universe and all the kinds of living things on earth, even though He still had work to do to bring Eve into existence (Genesis 2). (2) Jesus, our…
When Your World Turns Upside Down: the unexpected gift
My world has been turned upside down many times in my life. Some smaller flips; some monumental. With each successful struggle, although incredibly difficult at the time, I’ve learned to lean in a little closer to Jesus. What a gift! An Upside Down World We live in a world that flips all too easy and…
What Does It Mean to Walk as Salt and Light?
Sometimes we put a burden on ourselves we are not meant to carry. We expect ourselves to walk upright in our own strength. I know I do. I don’t want others to see my missteps. I don’t want people to think less of me. We make the mistake of feeling we must be perfect. We feel we must… express ourselves…
Where to Find Grace When Trouble Comes Knocking
The test results return disturbing news. The phone call delivers worse. The children beg (and bicker) endlessly. The money runs dangerously low. Each day brings more trouble than the previous one. And we wonder where God is. Where is God’s promise of a prosperous plan? Where is this abundant life? How we can continue? Where is…
Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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