
Recording Gifts: because Our Days Are Not Perfect, but Our God Is
The last few days skirted by me in a daze of deadlines and events, some good, some challenging. Monday’s usual sharing of my chronicled gifts passed with nothing posted. But I can’t let that stand. Recording gifts is becoming a necessary part of every day for me. And I have to share these lists of blessings. I have…
Thankful for Unanswered Prayers?
Thanksgiving 2014 is over. But the memories linger on. Memories of the food, the fun, the fellowship. And hopefully, the acknowledgment of the past year’s blessings and continued gratitude for this year’s. In our home, we have a Thanksgiving tradition of sharing 5 things from the past year for which we are grateful. When the kids…
A Thanksgiving Tree: Because Being Grateful Is That Important
For years I never knew what to do for Thanksgiving decorations. The cheesy turkey candle on the window sill and maybe a couple gourds gracing the hutch was about as good as it got. It’s not that I didn’t like Thanksgiving or think it was important. I just didn’t know what to do for memorable…
I Wanted More (the Power of Giving Thanks)
It’s easy to miss the blessings of what you have when you’re focusing on what you want. For years, I didn’t embrace the gift of my marriage because I wanted children. Later, I didn’t adequately celebrate the children I had because I wanted more. And then, I didn’t appreciate the health of my family because I…
Faithfulness from Generation to Generation [Short Bursts of Encouragement]
This past week I spent two days exploring Mom’s family roots. We traveled to where she grew up and where my great-grandparents are buried. I saw old homesteads and where old homesteads should have been. I marked gravesites and updated incorrect birth and death records. I puzzled over old deeds and chuckled at faded photos.…
Displaying Your Uniqueness for God’s Glory
God didn’t create me to act or look like someone else, but I’m often tempted to do just that. The other day I had to take the kids into school and run a couple quick errands before meeting my mother at our house. As I ran around, my mind kept skipping to Mom getting to…
What If Today We Took Off Our Blinders and Noticed God’s Abundance?
I love how fall highlights the provisions of God. From foraging for wild edibles to harvesting my garden produce, His abundance is never more evident than in that hued season that precedes the cold months. Yet as I was picking raspberries, it dawned on me how easily we overlook His provisions in our daily lives. …
A Critically Important Assignment for Everyday: to Savor (Printable)
Learning to savor each day can be life changing. The life of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and wife can often be crazy busy or mundane (sometimes both at the same time). The days often mirror each other in their “dailiness.” I’ve experienced this first-hand as a SAHM and a WAHM for more than 20 years.…
Three Reasons for Our Negative-Sightedness and How To Improve It
Too often all we can see are the hard things in our days—the struggles, valleys, pits, and roadblocks. Yet no matter what our circumstances, goodness and beauty are just a look away. If that’s so, why don’t we take better notice? Negative-Sightedness As I see it, there are three reasons for our negative-sightedness: We feel entitled to…
Finding the Richness in Messy Days: Grateful
Since Mother’s Day is nearly upon us, I wanted to state that I am eternally grateful for my wonderful mother and mother-in-law. Their love and guidance encourages me to be the best “me” God made. It is also easy for me to express my gratitude for my hubby and children, my health, our belongings, my…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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