
Lay Them Down—Again
I look around me. Everywhere I turn, I see beauty, from the tree-framed lake to the deep blue sky. My eyes take in the bright red of the cranberries and the dazzling brilliance of the sun reflecting off the soft blanket of snow. Winter has gently made its appearance. And I am overwhelmed … To…
Divine Infusion
For nearly 48 hours over Christmas break our family determined to just be together. We left home and hunkered down in the upstairs of our barn (think, mini-lodge). No work, no obligations (well, at least very few), no agenda. The objective—to enjoy each other (play, laugh, sing, dance [okay, only me], take walks, watch movies,…
Live a Life of Gratitude
Are you living a story of gratitude or entitlement? I attended a visitation a few years ago. It was for an amazing lady, well respected and loved in the community. She fought a courageous battle with ALS and I was told died with grace and dignity, ready to be with her Lord. At the funeral home,…
Knight in Shining Armor (we’re rescued)
The boys just roll their eyes, grin, and in the end, humor me. They probably do a lot of that living with me. However this time it is because I am ushering them downstairs to watch the first of two nights of Sound of Music (and eat fun foods like TV dinners and other quick entrees).…
The Flipside of Giving a Blessing (and more)
Doing something nice for another isn’t a blessing only to the recipient. Something wasn’t right that morning. I’m not even sure what it was, but my mind was stuck on grumbling, about something, about everything. I could feel my day going south, quickly. (Ever have one of those days?) Anxiety, anger, and sadness threatened to…
Tough Cuts (Choose the Better Thing)
There I was, bent over the toilet scrubbing it clean while carrying on a weighty conversation with God. The crazy thing is it was 1 a.m.! For the fourth night this week, I had too much to accomplish to crawl into bed before the wee hours of the morning (or at least I thought I…
Uniquely and Collectively His
I’ve been browsing through early family photos the past few days. With that activity always come vivid memories and strong emotions. Most of the pictures take me back to times of joy or sweetness, precious moments or family celebrations. Others have difficult feelings associated with them. However, each one reveals a small part of our…
Fingerprints of Grace
“And as grace is free, so is it sure. Nothing can change, or alter, or turn away sovereign grace.” – Alexander Whyte There’s a song I heard many years ago, probably in the late 1990’s that does a great job of painting an image of our relationship with God. This song was sung by a…
Choosing Obedience Over the Fat of the Ram
I have a presentation to give in two weeks. I am to stand before members of my church congregation and some guests and share how God’s hand has been working in my life (even when I didn’t want it)—how He has been faithful despite my initial resistance to Him. And I am excited … and…
Hand-Over-Hand Ablation and Other Grace-Points
“He enjoys much who is thankful for little. A grateful mind is a great mind.”—Secker God’s Grace Feeling God’s presence in a stressful situation is an incredible gift. We are told in Scripture He will always be there for us: “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). But how…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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