
Trust God With Your Best (Spotlight on Faith Series 2)
I love the Lord. I say I trust God. But do my actions always show that trust? The Lord is a jealous God, desiring our undivided devotion, a devotion that gives Him our first, our best, our all. But if I’m honest, instead of giving the Lord my best, I’m often giving Him what’s left.…
Path to Amazing Faith (Spotlight on Faith Series 1)
What does it mean to have amazing faith? “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (John 20:29b) Faith or Sight If you’re anything like me, you strive to know and understand the details of a situation before moving ahead. I’m that way with most things. I want the top deal, the best outcome, the…
Be My All, Lord! (He Is Enough)
Some mornings, I don’t have what it takes for the day, but the Lord does, and He promises to be enough for me and you, to be our all. Light of Day Early mornings often bring me peace. As dawn ushers in a new day, the light begins to push away the dark: the promise…
Don’t Wait to Pray Until All Else Fails; Pray First
We often overlook the power of prayer. Too many of us pray when we don’t know what else to do. But by waiting, we ignore the weapon that can have the biggest impact on the outcome of the battle. I laid awake, willing my mind to turn off. Blinking away the tears that threatened, I…
A Desire To Walk By Faith, Not By Feelings (a prayer)
I desire to walk by faith, not by feelings. But, oh my, how hard that is! It’s especially difficult in the middle of those extended seasons we all want to avoid. And so I pray. Walk By Faith — a Prayer Lord, I don’t have all the answers to life and suffering and Your ways.…
Lord, Help Me Balance Truth and Love (a prayer)
Love is critical to the Christian life, but so is truth. Shoulders sagging, I turned away, tears threatening. The conversation frustrated and even confused me. I hadn’t meant to come across as harsh and critical, but I needed to point out what the Bible said was true. I loved him and Him…too much not to…
Three Ways to Find Hope in a Broken World (& prayer of lament & hope)
When the world gives us reason to despair, remembering the sovereignty of God can help us find hope and provide purpose for our days. “News.” I cringe when I hear the word mentioned. It has almost become a bad word in my book. On the news, I hear about violence, rioting, disrespect, and identity/gender confusion…
Do You See God’s Guidance as an Interruption? What Do Your Actions Show?
Sometimes we see guidance and an interruption without realizing it. Sometimes we do this with God. I repeated myself for the third time. “Rachel, put that down. Come and sit.” She nodded, yet remained standing. A far-off look in her eyes told me she may have heard, but she certainly wasn’t listening. The iPad-mini audiobook…
Three Actions To Take When You Feel Ill-Equipped To Pray
The blessing of prayer should be nurtured and exercised by all God’s children. Ill-Equipped Confession time, I struggle with words. Sometimes they spill out a jumbled mess, leaving me feeling ill-equipped to properly express myself. It’s a bit ironic to admit since I’m an editor and writer, but when it comes to voicing a thought, I…
When You Are Desperate for Jesus to Act on Your Behalf
Even when an answer to prayer is a long time coming, we can trust God is working behind the scenes. Desperate for an Answer Jesus says “ask Me anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:14). I’m asking. I’m beseeching. I’m pleading. And I’m persistent. And I certainly think it would be a prayer…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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