Multitude Mondays

His Story, Not Mine Revisited [From the Archives]
I am enjoying time away with my family for a couple weeks. This presented a great opportunity to revisit some of my early posts. I pray these will inspire and encourage you. Don’t miss a chance to enter the giveaway for Katie Ganshert’s inspiring first two novels. The giveaway ends August 9. Enter by clicking…
Getting There Is All About the Next Step
“The rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory.” —Ted W. Engstrom Each torturous stride brought me closer to home. Yet after several nights with little sleep and a fried brain, it was all I could do to push myself through my 30-minute wog (walk/jog). My body screamed fatigue.…
What It Takes To Produce Fruit (Cultivating Faith)
To have a product, there must be action. For an outcome, there must be an occurrence. We can’t merely hold onto a dream and expect it to materialize. Or hold love in and expect it to minister to someone. A seed must be planted to grow fruit. A nail must be driven to build a…
Stop Wandering, Find Fulfillment Right Where You Are
The Wanderer No one knows for sure why he left. Times were hard, no doubt; the turn of the 20th century wasn’t easy for many. But still… Perhaps he felt there was more to life. Maybe he thought real adventure lay somewhere other than the Wisconsin farm he shared with his wife and children. Or maybe…
Differences Matter
The eclectic. It’s what enhances flavor. It’s what generates strength. It’s what produces loveliness. Chili requires different kinds of beans and other ingredients to make it amazing. Grammy award–winning choirs are composed of singers with a mix of vocal ranges. Gorgeous Autumn displays require a glorious array of colors. Top concert bands feature a variety of…
You Are Not a Failure, Live Free!
I lay awake, replaying the situation in the darkness. My son’s questioning of my authority and the house rules, and my response: ugly, belittling, and completely unnecessary. He had long since stormed to his room and I ducked to mine. The anger had dissipated, replaced by shame and regret. Harsh words hung in the air, evidence of another…
When the World Spins Backward
Years ago, my maternal grandmother died in her sleep. She was 87. I cried. I missed her (I still do). But it was expected. It is just the way things are–the natural process of life. I can accept that. I can accept aging as, not always welcome, but inevitable. We are born, grow for 30…
11 Important Lessons Learned From Serving In Vacation Bible School
Serving isn’t always easy or comfortable, but we always grow through it. “Good duties must not be pressed and beaten out of us, as the waters came out of a rock when Moses smote it with his rod; but must freely drop from us, as myrrh from the tree, or honey from the comb.” ~ Thomas…
A Day To Be Grateful (thank you, veterans!)
Today I am honoring all servicemen and women who gave so much to this country, especially my uncle Harlan Reuter, whom I never met. Last week I attended the funeral of a former Navy sailor. Following the church service, we filed outside to be greeted by an honor guard detail. A brief ceremony ensued,…
Look Back. Engage Now. Move Forward. (Living Life to Its Fullest)
Nostalgia hits hard during the graduation season. Life takes on a new urgency. Parents cling a little tighter to those children still home and wish for just one more year with the one leaving. It is tempting to time warp to the middle of our kids’ grade-school years or the sweet baby-scent season and freeze there. To…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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