
New Year of Giving Thanks (“One Thousand Gifts” book review)
It began many years ago. A mystery. A quest if you will. It started informally at first. With a feeling–an inkling. A mother’s intuition, a whisper really: There is something special about that daughter of mine, aside from being my child. She is trying to tell me something. I know it now, I knew it then.…
In Awe and Wonder
I had a different post planned for today but couldn’t pass up joining in the last Five Minute Friday linkup of the year. Lisa-Jo is taking a break from these short writings for the month of December, so after this one, there will be no more FMF posts until 2013. Today’s prompt is a great…
Thanks Given in the Smaller Steps
With Thanksgiving comes a frenzy of activity. Not that life isn’t crazy busy before that, but the day set aside to give thanks ushers in a new level of frantic. At least it does for me. This year like so many in the past, I made the decision to slow down a little. To step…
There Is Still Every Reason To Be Thankful
We ran in the cool evening air. Sliding grass-stained we pushed, pulled and laughed. I wrestled the football away from one son and tossed it to the next, giving a victory hoot while they looked on in mock surprise. Then again, a sun-smiling afternoon and a sweet girl. Gripping the racket awkward, she swung, missed…
The Gift of Counting [more than 1,000 gifts]
Drum roll, please! I am excited to announce I am officially over one thousand in my list of One Thousand (or more) Gifts. I’m telling you this, not to pat my back, but to sing the praises of keeping such a list. I began purposely jotting down things I am thankful for on August 23,…
He Became a Man [Happy Birthday]
Yesterday (Wednesday) my boy became a man. Daniel turned 18. I’m truly not sure how we got here so quickly. Wasn’t it just last month we were teaching him to walk … last week he was starting school … last night he attended fifth-grade camp? Our Firstborn The son who put me through 23 hours…
God is Good. (Gratitude and more gifts)
I enjoy my life—occasionally. I give thanks for my life—sometimes. I lament my lot in life—often. Why is it so easy to default to ingratitude? What is it in the core of who I am that finds it more convenient to zero in on the negatives than the positives? And I even tend to be…
Full Measure of Love (and more)
Well, friends, an entire year lies before us. Our focus can be on the difficulties and struggles sure to come, or we can choose to anticipate those love gifts promised to be poured out in full measure. To that end, I am joining Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience for her 2012 joy dare to…
I Wonder …
Why me, Lord? It is a question often asked during times of turmoil, frustration, or confusion. But this Thanksgiving season, as I reflect on the many blessings of the past year, this question presents itself with a slightly different meaning, imploring me to ask. Why me, Lord? As a holy and perfect God, why do…
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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