You Are Never Truly Alone
Although we often feel lost and alone in this life, we never truly are. A while back I had a dream, I guess a nightmare really. I had parked in a beach lot in Florida and walked over the dunes to sit on the beach as Hurricane Irma approached. A young lady with intellectual delays…
What Suffering Is Doing for Me (and can do for you)
Suffering is simultaneously breaking me down and building me up. And it’s both incredibly hard and amazingly glorious. On a particularly difficult Sunday, I confessed through my tears to my pastor’s wife. “I don’t know how to raise Rachel. I can’t do this! I don’t know how to care for a child with special needs.” I posted…
Hope for When You’re in a Hard Place
Many of the hardest things in life prove to be the most valuable. It’s Hard! I once thought parenting would be easy. It’s not. Lately I’ve been thinking about how truly inadequate I feel for this job, even after nearly 23 years. I thought it’d get easier. And in some ways it has. Yet in other…
How To Best Support One Another (be honest)
“I’ve always thought you had it all together.” My incredulous look followed her into the sanctuary. Me? Having it all together? I’m the one who forgot her son at church … not once, but two Sundays in a row. I’m the one who also forgot said son at daycare. I’m the girl who arrives minutes late…
Why I Count Blessings (remembering His love)
Why is it so hard to walk in God’s love for us? Instead we give into fear and desperation. What believer (or even nonbeliever) hasn’t heard it … God loves you? We all have. It’s often the first thing you will hear or read when introduced to the world of Christianity. Because it’s a core truth. God does love you!…
Experience God’s Peace in All Its Fullness
Who among us doesn’t script for ourselves a life of relative ease and unending happiness? I’m certainly guilty. Yet the years never unfold according to our perfectly laid plans. From scary diagnoses to financial burdens to strained relationships, life has a way of throwing our days out of kilter. “Praise be to the LORD, the…
There is a Reason to Be Grateful
No matter how bad things get, there is a reason to be grateful. Recently my daughter began communicating, “Thank you, Lord,” with a combination of sign language and vocalizations. She says it often throughout a given day. However, she won’t say it when she’s upset about something. No matter how much I prompt and coax, she refuses to…
Dig Deeper into Scripture (‘Journal the Word’ Bible Review)
In the United States, the day we focus on giving thanks is almost upon us. And I’m giving away a Bible in the last of my Giving Thanks by Giving Gifts series. The Holy Bible: God’s Word, His Gospel, His truth, His promises for us, His love letter to us. It’s fitting to give such a…
Everyday Praise Book Release Day! (What Success Looks Like)
It’s book release day! If you haven’t heard yet, today I launched my first book into the big, wide world. It’s a small, image-rich devotional called Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace. I Didn’t Want To Self-Publish Can I be honest here? It was a grueling process to get to this point. Feeling a nudge from…
A Lesson on How to Live Well from Those Who Died Well
Reflecting on the very difficult situations of certain friends and family members, my thoughts keep circling back to one particular thought. All of us are either struggling to live well or we’re struggling to die well. It seems more tragic to have to do the latter, but perhaps the greatest tragedy is the failure to do the former. Desire To…
Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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Are you struggling to maintain godly focus in the mess of each day's living? Do you too easily find yourself worrying about circumstances instead of trusting in God's promises? If you answered yes, why not download my ebook. It's filled with 25 power verses with space for personal reflection to help you maintain godly focus, no matter what situations arise.
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