
Gold Brush Stroke

Three Actions To Take When You Feel Ill-Equipped To Pray

The blessing of prayer should be nurtured and exercised by all God’s children.  Ill-Equipped Confession time, I struggle with words. Sometimes they spill out a jumbled mess, leaving me feeling ill-equipped to properly express myself.  It’s a bit ironic to admit since I’m an editor and writer, but when it comes to voicing a thought, I…

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How to Best Tackle the Blessed Uncertainty of Each Day

Swinging our feet out of the bed every morning is an act of faith. Honestly each step of each day is. We walk into a day that is filled with good things and not-so-good, easy things and harder ones. We think we have the day planned, but the day has other plans. And we wonder…

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When You Are Longing for More in this Life (#ComeWithMe book review and #giveaway)

Who doesn’t have a longing for more in this life? There’s an ache that lies deep in each of us, begging for more. But more of what? More of what this world offers will not satisfy. The only salve that will heal the longing for more we all have is a deeper connection with our Creator.…

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Marked for Life: Exactly What You and I Want but Don’t Know It

I am becoming increasingly grateful for the storms of life and the gifts they leave behind … for in them I see God’s love and faithfulness. Marked for Life Pristine blue waters and silky fine sand beckon me near; Clouds hanging lazy implore me linger. Yet seemingly against my will I journey on; through waves…

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Do We Really Mean “Amen”?

A Prayer for Healing “I’m scared.” My sister’s strained voice found me returning from vacation. She described a joyous time turned very wrong. Pregnant with twins, her body was failing her and the little ones—she very sick and one baby dying in utero. Bed rest, medicine, and prayer failed to remedy the situation. I arrived…

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When the Race You’re Running Isn’t the One You Signed Up For

A picture permanently imprinted in my mind and heart is one of my daughter and me running hand in hand through a hill-top meadow. It’s an image of pure joy. But with Rachel’s inability to actually run, that will likely never happen. So we’ve adapted our hand-in-hand running. Instead of a meadow, we run on campground roads near our home.…

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A Sure Way to Become Spiritually Depleted and 2 Ideas to Help Avoid It

Overfilling our days: We see others do it and often do it ourselves. And just as a suitcase eventually bursts at the seams (zippers) when overpacked, something will give in our lives too if we continually stuff. Often it’s our spiritual life.  Becoming Spiritually Depleted So why do we do it? Why do we keep running…

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I Want To Suffer Well: Inspiring Stories of Being Met and Kept

Some of us suffer in our daily living, but die peacefully. Some of us walk a relatively easy earthly path but suffer in our dying. Some of us face both. As of late I’ve been exposed to more stories of suffering than usual. And it struck me that there are two ways to deal with…

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Reminder of God’s Goodness—Free Recipes (Short Bursts of Encouragement)

Being a work-from-home mom has definite advantages. But living and working within the same four walls can become suffocating at times. If I’m not careful my senses can become conditioned to the same sights, sounds, and smells. My days can become stale. I can lose sight of the blessings in my life. Perhaps you’ve felt the same…

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A Critically Important Assignment for Everyday: to Savor (Printable)

Learning to savor each day can be life changing. The life of a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) and wife can often be crazy busy or mundane (sometimes both at the same time). The days often mirror each other in their “dailiness.” I’ve experienced this first-hand as a SAHM and a WAHM for more than 20 years.…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne