Refresh the Promise of Your Salvation

The period after something special happens is often a time of letdown.
The anticipation is gone. The high dissipates.
- Returning from vacation.
- The end of a favorite sport or yearly season.
- The days or weeks after Christmas or Easter.
- The aftermath of an inspiring conference.
- The completion of a job change or house move.
When these “highs” smooth out, we return to plodding along until the next exciting blip is seen on the radar of our life.
But isn’t it wonderful that when it comes to our faith, the aftermath of a life given to Jesus Christ is more exciting than the period before! Stretching before us is a lush field free from the shackles of our sin.
But do we see it that way? Once the initial excitement wears off, don’t we often view this time as merely the plodding interlude until we are ushered into heaven?
Instead of embracing our freedom, we let the truth of our salvation become stale.
We allow daily living to fizzle the richness of following the Lord. We let the stench of the temporal waft back in, masking the sweet fragrance of mercy and grace.
Yet, we were once imprisoned, now we are free! We were once slaves, not we are children of God! We need to embrace this time we are given as a gift.
So let’s keep our eyes on the precious treasure of Easter,
and dance and sing all the way through this lush field of redemption.
Keep on dancing and singing, friends, all the way to heaven.
“Christ has liberated us into freedom” (Galatians 5:1).
We were once imprisoned, now we are free! We were once slaves, not we are children of God! We need to embrace this time we are given as a gift. So let's keep our eyes on the precious treasure of Easter and dance and sing all the way to Heaven. Share on X
Reflections: Have you let your faith grow stale? Have you found a way to inject a spirit of promise into each day?
Linking with Lisa-Jo where a group writes uninhibited for 5 minutes (or a few more) on a given topic. It is a wonderful exercise in letting the words flow. Click the button to check out more posts or consider linking up yourself. Today’s topic is “After.”
Give it a try. Join us at Lisa-Jo’s. And if you do scratch out a piece for 5 Minute Friday, go ahead and link it up in my comments as well.
By His Grace,
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Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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His grace ‘new every morning’ helps to keep our service fresh every day. Encouraging thoughts.
Love the phrase you used, Leslie! Thanks for sharing.