Julie Sunne

Gold Brush Stroke

When You Have Nothing Left To Give

When you have nothing left to give, God provides.   One morning not long ago I felt compelled to underline the word “again” several times, specifically in the Gospel of Mark. The instances referenced Jesus stopping to minister to people … again and again.  “Jesus entered a house, and the crowd gathered again so that they…

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Learning to Let Go of What If and Embrace What Is

Circumstances can sure throw a wrench in the plans we make for our future. How we react when reality doesn’t match or expectations matters. Will we embrace it or wish it away? One = promise and hope, one = bitterness and hopelessness. On our wedding day, my husband and I didn’t give allot of thought…

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Something to Remember When You Feel Unimportant

Some seasons and some situations cause us to feel unimportant in the grand scheme of things. What we do with those feelings matter. The call came unexpectedly. “Do you want to be done?” As I digested the question, my answer came slowly. Yes and no. Covid-19 was spreading. I had one month left to work…

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The Greatest Reason for Giving Thanks [Gratitude Series and a Gift for You]

Giving gifts brings great blessings (I gave one away on this blog last week). Receiving them isn’t so bad either.  It’s certainly fun to receive those unexpected expensive ones. But truly, those given with the greatest amount of consideration for me as the receiver hold the most meaning to me.  However, no gift comes even…

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Give Thanks: His Faithful Love Endures Forever (“Relentless” book giveaway)

The day my first unborn baby went to be with Jesus changed my life in many ways. For the first time in my life I questioned the Lord’s love for me. Yet somehow through the years, I discovered that His is a forever love that shows up brightest in those darkest times.  Relentless Still the…

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Cultivating a Life of Gratitude Involves More Than Tit for Tat (Gratitude Series)

“What does a life of gratitude look like when your days are gritty, long, and sometimes dark? What is God providing here and now?” —Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts In hindsight, I would have done it differently. Teaching my children gratitude lay forefront in my mind as they grew. But the way I taught it…

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I Wonder If Jesus Found It Hard to Do Too (Rest)

I do wonder if Jesus found it hard to do too…. rest that is. I’ve decided to take a two-week break from my computers. There I typed it and said it. A part of me feels relieved; another part wants to erase that sentence, even though it’s for a very good reason. I’m taking time…

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When Difficult Change Challenges Your Identity – A Good Thing?

Change, especially unwanted or life-altering change, can challenge what we perceive as our identity. As painful as it is, that can be a good thing.  I knew I’d be sad, but the intensity of my feelings surprised me. This past month I followed my youngest on a four-hour drive to his chosen college. Two adult…

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In Five Years … Continue on With Hope

Hold onto hope in all that life throws at you by remembering the Lord’s faithfulness. The past five years have brought a world of changes to our lives. Some good, some hard, but we’ve been able to face them all with hope by looking to the Lord.  During this time, my husband and I have…

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Your Sacred Journey: Through the Struggle Comes Growth

Looking back I see a bit clearer why the Lord didn’t grant my wish for the life I desired. He offered something more to me. He’s asking me to walk a sacred journey, one set apart, dedicated to His service, not my own.  Sacred Journey Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary offers this definition of sacred:  sacred. 1a :…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne