
Two Things You Must Do When Everything Is All Wrong
Even in the darkest days there is light. Even when everything is all wrong, there is hope. Even in the most tangled path, there is a way to joy. When It Is All Wrong Can I be honest though? I’ve felt hopeless. Not now, but years ago. I believed nothing good would ever come again.…
Hope Can Be Found in Even the Darkest Days (‘Hope Prevails’ Book Review)
“When walking in the valley, the only way out is up. He is our only path out of our despair.” ~Dr. Michelle Bengtson, Hope Prevails Some of us find ourselves trudging in deep valleys, others journey through shallower ones. Regardless, the only way out is to grasp onto hope. Yet sometimes that hope is lost…
Be Comforted in Your Pain (you are never alone)
“Don’t let them hurt me!” My young son’s words broke my heart. Although his immunizations were necessary, it wasn’t easy to listen to his cries. Through my nearly 23 years of parenting, I’ve found myself in the doctor’s office countless times with my children. Sometimes the visits have been pleasant, other times not so much.…
Grace Delivered in the Birth of Christ (Merry Christmas!)
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11 The Good News! Grace has been delivered in the Babe. The Prince of Peace. The Lamb of God. The Savior of the World. Birth of Jesus Christ Salvation entered our world in the birth…
Come Lord Jesus, Come! Our Advent Hope #AdventReflections
Recently, I’ve been reminded anew how fragile and precious life is and how tragic this world can be. I’m struggling to process the sad reality of young men who see no hope and end it all—most recently a friend of my oldest; their parents, left trying to make sense of the senseless; moms and dads I love…
When Life Knocks You Down #AdventReflections
When life knocks you down, look up. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a rather strong person, a pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps kind of person. Generally, I can see the next step and take it. Yet there’s been plenty of times when I’ve felt out-of-control and inadequate to handle a situation. The big ones that quickly come to mind…
How To Wait Well When You Don’t Like What You’re Expecting
Sometimes we struggle to wait because the excitement of what awaits consumes our thoughts. But sometimes we agonize during the wait because we dread what’s expected. That’s when it’s difficult to wait well. Recently my youngest son expressed the dread of what he expected to be a hard week. I sympathized and then shared what I’ve learned…
Be a Faithful Witness to Your Script: “And It Was Beautiful” (a review)
When I stumbled on Kara Tippett’s blog several years ago, I couldn’t get enough. Drawn in by the vulnerable yet hope-filled updates of her battle with terminal cancer, I drank deep of the wisdom God imparted to her through her suffering. I wrote a review of her first book written in the midst of her…
Why You Should Never Suffer in Silence
By hiding our suffering, we suppress the evidence of God’s faithfulness as well. Recently a lady who is going through a terribly difficult season confessed her feeling of isolation. She said she knew others cared and at times became overwhelmed with the love offered to her family. Yet at other times she felt like she was all alone on…
Find the Strength to Take the Next Step (review)
“Joy has nothing to do with the position of your body and everything to do with the posture of your heart.” —Rachel Wojo, One More Step Stuck Deep, dark sorrow met me as a twenty-something. In the loss of my baby’s life, I refused to believe there was any hope left. So I remained frozen in…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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