
She Is Special [Happy Birthday]
People say we are special for caring for her. People say they don’t know how we do it. But I know better. She is the one who is special. She is the one who graces our lives with love and laughter. Her Special Brand Here are some things I love about her: Her forever-friends: Winnie-the-Pooh…
Seeing Imperfectly [Perspective]
On Fridays I like to link with The Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Fridays where we write unhindered and unedited for 5 minutes straight—addressing a different topic each week. Only lately it seems I don’t get 5 minutes to write until Saturday morning. This week’s prompt, Perspective, is perfect for this time in my life.…
Tribute to Mom (1000 Moms Project)
Two years ago this post was linked with Ann Voskamp and the 1000 Moms Project written with love and gratitude for my mom and mother-in-law. By publicly thanking our mothers, Haitian mothers in need were helped. __________________________________________________________________ Mother. The word conjures up many different emotions. To some it brings sadness, to others fear, and to still…
Radical Love Is …
Lately, I’ve been thinking about radical love—what it is and how it differs from perfect love. And I’ve been watching others demonstrate such love. I marvel at how despite their failings and imperfections, such individuals give without expecting, reach out without being asked. These people exhibit a love wildly different from what culture promotes. Radical…
Love Declared Loud
On Fridays at The Gypsy Mama, we write for 5 minutes flat on a certain prompt. Today’s word is Loud. GO The flashlight illuminates the text. I settle in. Her leaning against me. I rub her back, her feet, her hands; whispering words of encouragement. My voice hushed, I read quietly, trying to distract, trying…
Essential Parts of the Orchestra [you and me]
They dance delicately in the breeze, brilliant yellow, snowy white. Leafy greens dare to be declared less lovely. Bees flit from blossom to blossom. An array of distinct splendors woven together into a tapestry of beauty. Each quite unique, different in the core of their being, but in concert, they sing a glorious chorus. Who…
Empty and Refill [5 Minute Friday]
I watch as my husband gets yet another item for me, to comfort me, to nourish me. He is emptying himself of his needs to serve me as I recover from surgery. He is setting aside his desires. And it’s not just his actions but his attitude that captures my attention. He is serving me…
The Lord Waits…for You and Me
The Lord waits for you and me to turn to Him with our daily needs. What are we waiting for? “If I can just touch His robe, I’ll be made well!”(Matthew 9:21). I reach out to Him for strength and then jerk back. Uncertain. Uncertain of what, I’m not sure. What do I have to…
A Sacred, Imperfect Union of Love
We. The two of us. For life. Our lives are intertwined—his and mine. Not just based on that covenant we signed. It is much more powerful than that. A Deeper Love of Shared Lives It’s a shared web of experiences that bind us tight. Far from a perfect union, this marriage is dynamic, waxing and…
Now This Is Love (true love in action)
Have you noticed it—the way we drop “love” throughout our day-to-day conversations? “I love that shirt!” “It was love at first sight.” “Wouldn’t you love to go there?” Love in this sense means having affection for something, a fondness if you will. This type of love is very fickle, dependent on circumstances, and changing often. The…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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