Julie Sunne

Gold Brush Stroke

Find Help in Discerning God’s Will (book review & giveaway)

“God simply asks us to obey Him where He has us, trusting Him to guide us to our next steps in His perfect timing.” —Brittany Ann, Follow God’s Will God Has a Plan The Lord knows all, sees all, and is present everywhere. He has always been and always will be, is infinitely wise, and…

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Trust the Lord With the Thorns in Your Life

Most of us have a thorn or two in our lives, some perhaps have many. Like the Apostle Paul, we’d rather be rid of them, but also like Paul, the Lord may not agree, instead assuring us that His “grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness” (2 Corinthians 9b). And which…

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Failure or Obedience? (Purposeful Living)

With purposeful living, we can at times feel like we’re failing. At first glance, it looks like I failed at following through with my one word, purposeful, this year. I’ve done very little writing, am spending little time with my husband and daughter, have been sporadic with exercise, seem to be “fitting in” my quiet…

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Receive Joy and Peace (even when life hurts)

We can’t earn peace, joy, and security, nor can we find it in ourselves or our surroundings. But we can receive it, even in our most difficult seasons. Sunlight danced on the walls as I struggled to keep my eyes open. In those twilight moments between deep sleep and fully awake, a film reel kept…

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How to Deal With the Hard Stuff (Spotlight on Faith Series 5)

“Sometimes we don’t know how brave we are. Brave often moves forward with knee knocks & heart thumps. Brave is about decisions. Let’s tackle hard stuff one step at a time. Then feelings will anchor with our wise choices & we’ll be amazed at what we accomplished.”—Patsy Clairmont The Hard Stuff I recently read about…

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Wait on the Lord (Spotlight on Faith Series 4)

One of the greatest acts of faith is to wait on the Lord, trusting Him with an outcome that seems impossible. And He always comes through. We always seem to be waiting for something. Sometimes good things, sometimes difficult things. But the important thing is that we look to God in our waiting. When we…

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Purposeful Living (walking out the life God gives) {One Word 2022}

Our days hold more importance than we may realize. Each one is ordained by the Lord to fulfill His purpose, and we have a part in that plan as long as we have breath. Let’s live a purposeful life for God.  The older I get, the more intentional I want to be with my time.…

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Remembering the Baby in the Manger (Merry Christmas!)

Today we remember the Baby in a manger. We reflect on a King who gave up His throne to become a weak, vulnerable, and helpless infant. We celebrate a God who loves us this much.  God With Us Emmanuel, “God with us,” became one of us so we’d know we matter. Those who mess up…

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We Have a Message to Share (Spotlight on Faith Series 3)

God has given us a message to share. It’s good news, the best news ever in fact! So why is it so difficult to tell others about the freedom we can have from sin? If we truly believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven and that through Him people will be set free…

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Give Thanks First

Don’t wait until everything’s wonderful to give thanks; give thanks first, and see everything in a little better light. Beauty Exists in the Thorns of Life It’s hard to be grateful when life holds so much pain. But if we wait for that perfect moment to express our gratitude, we’ll miss much of the goodness…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Maintain Godly Focus!

Are you struggling to maintain godly focus in the mess of each day's living? Do you too easily find yourself worrying about circumstances instead of trusting in God's promises? If you answered yes, why not download my ebook. It's filled with 25 power verses with space for personal reflection to help you maintain godly focus, no matter what situations arise.

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New Book, Just Released!

Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne