
Gold Brush Stroke

The One Truth About Each Moment You Don’t Want to Miss

I couldn’t sleep. Tears flowed as I reflected on the past years with my children. Now they were flying the coop. Two off to college; the last two in high school. Vacations all different. Family dynamics skewed. No more lively debate every evening. No more weekly games for four.  Adventures in Odyssey, Veggie Tales, Disney…

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Presenting a Rosy Picture of Life May Be Harmful

Every Thursday in the month of August, I’m giving away a book! Don’t miss this third giveaway in celebration of my 4-year blogging anniversary. Read all the way to the bottom to enter to win a Bible for a young lady in your life! Too often as Christians we believe life should be rosy, because…

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Why We Might Be Trying Too Hard To Be Safe

There is something more important than being physically safe. Some of the hardest moments in my life were watching my children being whisked off into the sterile environment of a surgical room. All four had been under the skillful hands of a surgeon at least once in their lives. Each time I would have gladly…

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What You Should Expect in Life

I was a young wife, eager to start a family. So from the time that first pregnancy test showed positive, I expected a baby to be placed in my arms. Counting down the weeks, it never crossed my mind that it may turn out differently.  Because when one gets pregnant, holding a baby nearly 40 weeks later…

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Do We Really Mean “Amen”?

A Prayer for Healing “I’m scared.” My sister’s strained voice found me returning from vacation. She described a joyous time turned very wrong. Pregnant with twins, her body was failing her and the little ones—she very sick and one baby dying in utero. Bed rest, medicine, and prayer failed to remedy the situation. I arrived…

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When Things Look Bleak and Ugly: 3 Reasons to Walk in Faith Not by Sight

Even when we know a truth, sometimes we struggle to accept the reality of it. Coming back from our honeymoon, my husband and I swung through Yellowstone National Park. Earlier that summer, a forest fire had raged through a large section of the park. Dave and I were both educated as fish and wildlife biologists. We knew the…

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Fight Fear With Truth and Take Captive the What-Ifs

Fear is a powerful foe that sneaks in on the coattails of what-ifs. Late at night and my exhausted mind wouldn’t rest. It kept turning over a plethora of “what-ifs.”  Fear My oldest would be flying that night to Turkey for a three-week trip with his college. Up to that point, I had wholeheartedly supported…

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The One Thing You Need to Know to Flourish Right Where You Are

It is readily apparent that near-endless numbers of plants exist, and they all have slightly different requirements for optimum growth. Cantaloupe produces the best fruit when sowed in sandy soil. Woodland wildflowers thrive in the shade. Apple trees need well-drained soil. Cattails flourish in moist environments. It would be silly to plant a sedge in a desert. And…

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The Thing To Do When Life Spins Too Fast

Through the years I’ve been blessed with some wonderful times with family. One of my most precious memories is swing dancing with my oldest son at one of his college functions. In general, dancing is not something our family does—except at an occasional wedding and for Daniel at college. Among his college friends, swing dancing is the thing to do…

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Why We Cannot Bypass the Cross for the Empty Tomb

A sob always escapes when I read through the final day of our Lord’s walk on earth. I often rush to the passages about Jesus’s resurrection, eager to get to the end of the suffering and the beginning of the triumphant.  I rush because I don’t want to experience the emotional pain. I can handle physically hard,…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne