
Evidence of God’s Love in a World Desperately Needing It
As I sorted through pictures for various high school graduation events for our son Zachary, I was struck by the evidence of the Lord’s love through the years. Life hasn’t always been easy, but it has been lavished with God’s grace. Photographs are a wonderful way to trace His fingerprints. They give us a glimpse into His…
Reasons to Hope: Images of Love in a Harsh Landscape
God gives us many reasons to hope as His love is evidenced in the images found in our daily lives. Many of these photos are from a fabulous trip my sister and I took this winter to visit Mom and Dad in Arizona. May you find hope in the evidence of His love. Evidence of God’s…
It Is So Difficult (and Why Difficulties Must Exist)
It’s that time of year when our high school students are registering for next year’s classes. In the past years, it’s been uneventful for me. My boys knew what they needed and wanted to take. Now, I am deciding Rachel’s sophomore schedule, and it is eventful. You see, my daughter doesn’t have the understanding to…
The One Time Your Offering Is Never Too Small
A couple years ago my youngest befriended an elderly lady in our local nursing home. We visited her a time or two, and on Valentine’s Day of that year my son decided to gift her with a little teddy bear. Unfortunately, our friend moved to another nursing home out of town before we could give…
Love Despite the Weeds (The Perfect Valentine)
To many it doesn’t seem like much. An arched walking bridge. A low stone wall. A few flowers. A bunch of weeds to some. Yet this garden is special. Sewed with love and dreams, and watered with tears, it is a garden from my heart. A tribute to a daughter that changed my life, in…
When Healing Doesn’t Happen (or Is Slower Than You Like)
How many times have I looked at my daughter and wondered why God hasn’t offered His healing to her? He has the power. I know that. He could heal her through waters like the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-14). He could heal her by speaking the words like He did for the centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:5-13).…
Missing Gifts and a Lesson About Love
I couldn’t get past the missing gifts. I nearly let their absence ruin our time together. As usual, we celebrated Christmas early, just the six of us, and with a couple bad-weather days, a few of the kids’ gifts didn’t arrive on time. To make matters worse, my youngest was the one missing the most. Now…
Ask How to Serve Not Why
It’s easy to fall into distrust of our fellow man. Even those of us who live compassionately and generously stoop to cynicism from time to time. Stories about fraud, deceit, and hypocrisy plaster the news. Likely, most of us know someone personally who has lied to get what she/he wanted. Perhaps you have even suffered…
The Most Effective Way to Share Truth
Imparting words of God’s love is powerful. Sharing His love through actions is more powerful. A look. A smile. A hug. Demonstrating gifts of awe. Her life is just this … showing love … imparting truth in her unconditional acceptance, in her unhampered love for all. Grabbing hands she pulls others together, refusing to allow…
Treatment Plan for a Healthy, Confident Heart
At a time when hope threatens to never rise again, the power in the simple truth of God’s Word can call one’s spirit to attention, can transform lives. ~Jo Ann Fore, When A Woman Finds Her Voice Confusion, anger, and fear bubbled up from deep within. My youngest brother had taken off. Run away. You know, neckerchief tied…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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