
Gold Brush Stroke

Lord, Help Me Balance Truth and Love (a prayer)

Love is critical to the Christian life, but so is truth. Shoulders sagging, I turned away, tears threatening. The conversation frustrated and even confused me. I hadn’t meant to come across as harsh and critical, but I needed to point out what the Bible said was true. I loved him and Him…too much not to…

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How to Better Understand and Address Our Culture (review of “Saving Truth”)

My highest calling as a mother is to point my children to the truth … the Truth. To show them the right path. To encourage them to stay on that path.  It takes intention … but intention isn’t enough. I have to know what the truth is and find the best ways to impart it. …

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What You Need to Know About Expectations in Order to Live Joyfully

Expectations can be a thief, robbing us of the joy of the moment. I expected to be working in the natural biology field until old age set in. I expected to have a pretty easy life: filled with hard work, yes, but faced only with those setbacks hard work could fix. I expected to have…

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The One Thing To Do When Fear Comes Calling

Just when I think I’ve whipped it, it comes back, rearing its ugly head again. Cold, hard fear grips me. Not fear of someone breaking in. Not fear, really, of physical issues. But fear of so many other things.  Fear of failure.  Fear of what someone will think of my present choices or my past. …

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The Most Effective Way to Share Truth

Imparting words of God’s love is powerful. Sharing His love through actions is more powerful. A look. A smile. A hug. Demonstrating gifts of awe. Her life is just this … showing love … imparting truth in her unconditional acceptance, in her unhampered love for all. Grabbing hands she pulls others together, refusing to allow…

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For When It’s Tempting to Hide the True You

Walking in the room, I glance around. It’s filled with other parents. Men, women. Eyes begging for clarity. All looking for answers.  In that moment, it’s tempting to become someone different. Someone I think they need more than the real broken me.   Someone who has it all together. Who never questions why. Who never…

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Your Voice Can Set You Free [When a Woman Finds Her Voice]

“I wish Rachel was autistic!” Between sobs, the sentiment burst out, dripping with self-condemnation. I cringed in horror at what I had just uttered about my sweet daughter. But the words were finally out, released from a prison where they had festered for far too long. Now they hung for all to hear … and…

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The Key to Walking in Truth

“Learn how to walk in truth by walking with truth.” —Beth Moore, The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Learning to do something well requires patience and perseverance. More than that, a mentor is often  needed to set an example—to show us what excellence looks like. Before higher institutions of learning dotted our country, on-the-job…

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Speak the Truth (in love and grace)

I hesitate to address this topic for fear I may come across as a self-proclaimed saint or know-it-all. Let me assure you this is not true: I am as much a sinner as anyone. And I certainly don’t have all the answers, just many questions and a deep-seated love for the One who freely offered…

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Julie Sunne

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.

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Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne