
Do You See God’s Guidance as an Interruption? What Do Your Actions Show?
Sometimes we see guidance and an interruption without realizing it. Sometimes we do this with God. I repeated myself for the third time. “Rachel, put that down. Come and sit.” She nodded, yet remained standing. A far-off look in her eyes told me she may have heard, but she certainly wasn’t listening. The iPad-mini audiobook…
Why You Must Fight To See Goodness in the Midst of Your Suffering
Hard stuff can rip us apart if we let it, if we don’t see God’s goodness, but suffering doesn’t have to be joyless. In Press Into the Lord Now and Know a Confidence Not Even Death Can Shake, I wrote of the incredible pain I experienced in the death of my unborn children. In that pain, I…
Press Into the Lord Now and Know a Confidence Not Even Death Can Shake
When you grow to know the Lord, His character and His promises, you develop a confidence not even the worst tsunami can sweep away. I lost my first baby at around 10-week’s gestation and had no anchor to keep me from being swept into the tsunami of grief. Nothing. Nada. Oh, sure, I believed in…
The Constant to Cling To When Facing Seasons of Change
It can be difficult to move on in the midst of life changes, but God’s a constant we can all count on. In Iowa we have a saying about the weather: If you don’t like it, just wait a minute, it’ll change. That’s the way I feel about my life recently. Facing a Whirlwind of Change Over…
Sometimes We Need to See Differently (like these high school students did)
Sometimes appreciation only comes when we choose to see differently. Although my daughter is 18 years old, she speaks with the aid of an iPad. Rachel cannot tie her own shoes or completely dress herself. She has been diagnosed with significant intellectual and physical disabilities. There are many things Rachel cannot do without assistance. Yet, my daughter is…
Three Things to Consider When Suffering Makes an Appearance
As believers who love the Lord and long to share in His resurrection, we know we must share in His suffering as well. Most of us, though, want to choose the form our suffering will take. We plan, scheme, beg and bargain to avoid the worst of the suffering. A little bit of hardship is okay, even expected. A brief financial struggle.…
An Easy and Rewarding Way to Notice God’s Presence Every Day
Have you noticed that we don’t often think about God unless we have a difficult circumstance to bring before Him? It’s not intentional for most of us. It’s just that in our loud and fast-paced life, God’s quiet presence goes largely unnoticed until we become desperate. Yet, no matter what our circumstances, He has already provided…
When Life Becomes Too Ordinary (where to find miracles)
For most of us, our lives appear so commonplace, that we rarely (if ever) expect miracles. Because miracles, well, they’re just too big. And for most of us, our lives are just too ordinary. Certainly no miracles are happening here. Yet as Christians, the Divine works in our daily lives and actually in us. And…
When Did It Become About Me? (When Self Gets in the Way)
How easy it is for my good intentions to turn to self-promotion or self-preservation! Satan has a way of turning our focus from where it should be to where he wants it, usually on ourselves. If he can keep us intent on seeking our own pleasure, we won’t fulfill God’s plan for us. The enemy is…
Live in the Miracle of Each Moment
Life, even an unexpected, harder-than-desired life, is infused with beauty, filled with miracle after miracle. If there’s one thing I learned from my daughter, it’s that little things count big. With moderate-to-severe developmental delays, each small accomplishment she makes becomes incredibly important. With Rachel’s first unassisted step not coming until age 4 and her first…

Hello, I'm Julie, an imperfect wife and mother of four. Life in this broken world is not always easy. Yet, joy can be found in each day through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it's easy for our day's blessings to get lost in its happenings. But God's "mercies never end" (Lamentations 3:22) and His "grace is sufficient" (2 Corinthians 12:9).
May the posts and pages on this site offer you a measure of peace and encouragement.
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